GYC's Drop-In Program
The GYC's Drop-In program is for students in grades 5-12. It is an "Open Gym" following school hours, 2:30-3:20pm. There is a staff on site, but this is not a structured program. While here, students can use our facility and equipment. Please read the following guidelines and discuss with your child(ren).
GYC Guidelines
1. Students are expected to treat staff, other peers, the facility, and equipment, with respect.
2. The GYC does not tolerate bullying, swearing, fighting, physical aggression, or sexual behavior
3. Students must wear proper attire if engaging in physical activity
4. No tobacco, alcohol, drugs are allowed on the premise
5. Drop-In is for students in grades 5-12
6. Students will be held responsible if equipment is broken, by cause of negligence
7. The fitness room is not available during drop in time
8. Students are not to go into the equipment room. They should ask a staff member for equipment
9. Students are not to lower basketball rims without permission
10. The GYC holds the right to remove any student for behavior reasons.
The "Drop-In" Time is a FREE program for our community. However, your support allows us to continue to offer this program and other beneficial programs at no or little cost. We ask that you consider making a tax-deductible contribution for this program
GYC Guidelines
1. Students are expected to treat staff, other peers, the facility, and equipment, with respect.
2. The GYC does not tolerate bullying, swearing, fighting, physical aggression, or sexual behavior
3. Students must wear proper attire if engaging in physical activity
4. No tobacco, alcohol, drugs are allowed on the premise
5. Drop-In is for students in grades 5-12
6. Students will be held responsible if equipment is broken, by cause of negligence
7. The fitness room is not available during drop in time
8. Students are not to go into the equipment room. They should ask a staff member for equipment
9. Students are not to lower basketball rims without permission
10. The GYC holds the right to remove any student for behavior reasons.
The "Drop-In" Time is a FREE program for our community. However, your support allows us to continue to offer this program and other beneficial programs at no or little cost. We ask that you consider making a tax-deductible contribution for this program