Mobile Meals
Fresh Food Delivered
The Gilford Youth Center’s Mobile Meals Program will be returning Wednesday, November 6th. 2024. Mobile Meals provides local seniors with a fresh, nutritious lunch, delivered at an affordable cost. The meals are safely prepared by our Mobile Meals volunteer staff at the Gilford Community Church's industrial kitchen.
Cost per meal: $6.00 (One meal per person) Payment is due when food is delivered. Deliveries are made on Wednesdays between 12pm-1pm. A Mobile Meals Staff will deliver meals to your external door but will not be allowed to go inside. Meals will not be delivered if resident is not home. Please know that you need to call and order each week. How to order: Call the Gilford Youth Center Office at 524-6978. Give your name, address and phone. Orders must be placed no later than Monday, 12pm, prior to the delivery date on Wednesday. |
SUPPORT MOBILE MEALSThe Gilford Youth Center is a nonprofit organization with a 501c3 status. Your contribution is tax deductible.